segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

New DVD about Auto-hemotherapy with 60 videos (English subtitles, Portuguese audio)

New DVD about Auto-hemotherapy with 60 videos (English subtitles, Portuguese audio)


New DVD about Auto-hemotherapy (English subtitles, Portuguese audio), with 60 videos (see bellow).

The videos are avaiable on the internet in the following sites:

- 01 to 47:
Folder: AHT_English_videos:

- Others (48 to 60):

Those who wish to receive the DVD, please let me know the address.




01. What is Auto-hemotherapy
02. Beginnings
03. Scleroderma
04. Other indications
05. Ovarian Cysts and Myoma
06. Thrombocytopenic Purpura
07. Gangrene from a spider's bite
08. Multiple sclerosis
09. Asthma
10. Auto-hemotherapy Dosages
11. Fleming and the Antibiotics
12. Cancer prevention
13. Acne
14. Magnesium Chloride
15. Magnesium Dosage
16. Warts
17. Kidney Stones
18. Cancer metastases
19. Magnesium Contra-indications
20. Right Dosage of Magnesium
21. Demonstration of Auto-hemotherapy
22. Ichthyosis
23. AIDS
24. Hepatitis C
25. Auto-hemotherapy with Ascaridil
26. Osteoporosis, bursitis and arthrosis
27. Auto-hemotherapy for pregnant women
28. Chemotherapy and Auto-hemotherapy
29. Auto-hemotherapy and Diabetes
30. Scope of Auto-hemotherapy
31. Auto-hemotherapy always beneficial
32. Intervals
33. Auto-hemotherapy with no breaks
34. Dosage variations
35. Auto-hemotherapy on children
36. Auto-hemotherapy in Geriatrics
37. Bedsore cicatrization
38. HPV and Vitiligo
39. Recurrent tonsillitises
40. Auto-hemotherapy and Cancer
41. Epidemic outbreaks
42. CVA, Hypertension and Gout
43. Sports and Auto-hemotherapy
44. Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
45. Dysrhythmia
46. Medicine and Auto-hemotherapy
47. Credits
48. See what AHT is able to to!
49. Cases of Sucess
50. JLD cured from Crohns's disease
51. MGSS - psoriasis case
52. MFFM - hepatic cirrhosis
53. RB cured from rheumatic fever
54. An Akita Inu cured with AHT
55. AHT in Veterinary Medicine
56. PM - AHT in control of hypertension
57. DG - AHT eliminates H. Pylori
58. MRM uses AHT for more than 50 years
59. Chine - The Empire of the Centre
60. Auto-hemoherapy recognized in Mexico

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